Maintenance Help? We've Got Your Back.

The Department of Facilities is your liaison to campus management services—engineering, repair, janitorial (EVS) services. Service requests may be submitted through our online work order management system.

Non-routine work orders (hanging pictures, moving furniture, accessory installation, etc.) are handled by Nor-Cal installers during needed visits. Due to a 4 hour minimum charge imposed by the contractor, these services are generally scheduled when multiple requests are submitted.

Submit Work Order 

Frequently Asked Questions

We all have questions sometimes. Here are answers to questions that often come our way. 

If I need to place a work order, why can't I just call Facilities instead of using Cherwell Service Desk Express?
The Facilities Department must have a means by which to track all work orders received. The Cherwell Service Desk Express system allows Facilities to track how we are serving the University community. We cannot track phone calls or emails. Please submit all work order requests through Cherwell Service Desk Express.

Note:  Call Facilities directly when there is an emergency (i.e., toilet overflowing, flood, fire, electrical problems, etc).

If my office is too cold or too hot, should I just call Engineering directly?
No. All work orders should be processed through the Facilities department. This provides the Engineering department with a single point of contact for all work orders.

I have a light out in my closet. Can I replace it myself?
No. Submit a work order through Cherwell Service Desk Express  Facilities will contact the Engineering department to complete the request. For safety reasons, it is important that trained engineers complete all work requests. Please keep in mind that there may be a serious electrical problem of which you are unaware that requires the attention of an engineering professional.

Why is it taking Engineering so long to respond to my request?
The University is not the only area serviced by the Engineering department. Their primary clients are the acute care areas of the Hospital.  All work orders from the University are received by Engineering, placed in a queue, and dispersed to the dedicated engineer for that particular area. At times, work orders get backed up and servicing is delayed. However, Facilities follows up frequently on all work orders until completion.

Note:  If Facilities contacts you for an update on your request, please respond ASAP to let us know that your request has been completed in a satisfactory manner. You, our internal customers, are the only voice that determines whether a work order was completed satisfactorily.

I need something hung in my office. Should I contact Engineering to handle this request?
No. This is considered a non-routine work order. We have an outside contractor who handles these types of requests. Submit a work order, and Facilities will contact the contractor who will be assigned the work order.

I need an additional outlet installed near my desk. Can Facilities call an electrician to take care of this for me?
Yes. Facilities will contact an electrician and obtain a quote for the work. A purchase requisition and purchase order may be required. Also, if it is not related to a project, the work may be charged directly to your department's cost center.

I accidentally locked myself out of my office. Can someone in Facilities let me in my office?
No. Facilities has a lockout policy. If an employee is locked out of their office for any reason, a Facilities employee can only grant access to the office with a manager's approval. Staff members are encouraged to keep office keys with them at all times to avoid a lockout situation. For liability reasons, there are absolutely no exceptions to this policy.

In addition, Facilities will not grant a staff or faculty member access to someone else's office without this being cleared in writing from the occupant of that office. This policy is designed to protect all faculty and staff and their belongings.

What if I lose my key? Can it be replaced and what is the cost?
If you need to replace a key, enter a Key Request through the Cherwell Service Desk Express, and fill out the additional Key Request form, which can be found on the Facilities webpage under Forms and Documents. All key requests must be signed off by a Department Supervisor/ Manager before the request can be processed. In addition, the requestor will need to come to the Facilities Department Badging Office at 400 Hawthorne Ave, Suite 217.

NOTE:  If the Master Key is lost, the cost to re-key the affected area will be billed to the individual and not the Department.

All Adjunct Professors who do not work consistently throughout the academic year must return their keys to their Department Head each semester.

I have an event coming up and I need parking vouchers for the guests. How can I order them?
Submit a Parking Ticket Request through the Cherwell Service Desk Express, and complete the additional Parking Ticket Request Form which is located on the Facilities webpage under Forms and Documents. All parking ticket requests must be approved by a Department Supervisor/Manager before they can be processed. Facilities will contact you when your parking tickets are ready to be picked up. You can pick up your parking tickets in the Facilities Department Badging Office at 450-30th Street, Suite G833 (inside G843).

We have had some recent changes in our department that will require us to reorganize and remodel our work area. How do we go about making these changes to our area?
Please contact the Facilities Department via the Cherwell Service Desk Express system and provide the specific scope of work for your project. The Facilities Coordinator will review the information and the appropriate vendor(s) will be contacted, if necessary. The requestor's department head will be required to approve the work before being scheduled.  If the scope of work is related to remodeling, the request will need to be handled by Campus Planning and Development. 

If I see the movers are on campus, can I ask them to move my furniture around in my office?
No.  All moves must be scheduled through the Facilities Department. The Facilities Department provides movers with a specific scope of work, and we must adhere to that scope in order to avoid extra moving charges. If there are tasks in your area which require movers, please contact Facilities so that your job can be scheduled on the next move date that the moving contractors will be present. If you have an immediate need, please notify Facilities at least 24 hours in advance of the time you require assistance. The movers will be scheduled, and your cost center will be charged for the expenses related to your move. Please note that Nor Cal Moving Services requires a four (4) hour minimum of work.

I am expecting an important package from a family member but it has not arrived. Who should I contact to locate my package?
No personal mail should be sent to the University. We are not responsible for the receipt of personal packages or other items.

I need to ship something to one of the remote sites.  What is the latest I can get it shipped out to ensure next day delivery?
All packages should be received at the Campus Service Center in West Pavilion before 3 p.m. to ensure next day delivery. However, we advise all faculty, staff, and students to drop off packages as early as possible to insure the most prompt delivery. The Campus Service Center is located at 3100 Telegraph, 1st Floor, Suite 110.

I'm shipping to a location other than a remote site. Can I ship it through the Campus Service Center?
Yes. However, all packages shipped to a location (other than a remote site) require a manager's signature and the department's cost center in order to be shipped.

Our department has 1,500 pieces of mail to go out, what should I do?
If you have a bulk mailing coming up, notify the Facilities Department two (2) weeks in advance by emailing the Facilities Coordinator Byron Weston and he will alert the mailroom.

What does EVS do?
Environmental Services (EVS) is primarily responsible for cleaning (vacuuming, mopping, dusting, garbage/waste removal, etc.) of common areas such as hallways, restrooms, and corridors. By special request,  through Cherwell Service Desk Express, EVS (while in session or during University breaks) will strip and wax floors and shampoo carpets in classrooms, corridors, and labs throughout the campus.

The kitchen in our building is filthy. Can EVS come over and wipe down all the appliances and wash the dishes?
No. All break rooms, lounges, and kitchen areas are the responsibility of the students, faculty, and staff who use them. The entire University community should be mindful of keeping all appliances (refrigerators, microwaves, stoves, coffee makers, etc.) clean and presentable for the next user.

Ergo Policy Statement

SMU recognizes the need to support a safe work environment for faculty and staff, which includes ergonomic considerations. Requests for ergonomic assessments for University faculty and staff will align with Cal/OSHA regulations. Assessments may only be done for the user’s primary work location and may be conducted internally or by an external partner.


1.       An ergonomic assessment shall take place when one of the following situations occur:

a.       A request is made by an employee who already has a musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) workers’ compensation claim established.

b.       A request is made by an employee who has documentation of a diagnosis of MSD from a licensed medical provider with a recommendation for an ergonomic assessment.

c.       A request is made by an employee due to neck/shoulder pain or back strain possibly from prolonged time at their workstation.

2.       All requests for an ergonomic assessment are to be submitted via the TDX Support Portal.

3.       All submitted requests will need to be reviewed and approved by the requestor’s department supervisor and Risk Management and Safety.

4.       Once approved, a member of Risk Management and Safety will coordinate an assessment date and time with the requestor. Assessments can be done in-person or virtually, depending on the requestor’s primary work location.

5.       Following the assessment, a full report including any recommended ergonomic equipment items will be complied and reviewed with the requestor and department supervisor before coordinating the purchasing of items with the Facilities Department and IT Department.

6.       Delivery and set-up, if applicable, will be coordinated between all parties involved. Delivery dates and times, backorders, and/or shipping delays will be communicated appropriately.

7.       Once all requested equipment is in place, the requesting employee may request a follow-up ergonomic assessment if desired to ensure their workspace is ergonomically correct. Follow-up requests are to be submitted via the TDX Support Portal.

Samuel Merritt University offers single-occupancy restrooms designated as All-Gender Restrooms. These accessible facilities are designed to provide a secure and inclusive environment for everyone on campus. All-Gender Restrooms are marked to indicate that individuals of any gender are welcome to use them.

Health Education Center

  • 3rd floor, by Student Gym

Peralta Medical Office Building

  • 2nd floor, Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) Suite

Peralta Lower Level:

  • Elevator Landing

Peralta Ground Level:

  • PET Center, next to the Podiatry classroom lab

  • Health Sciences Simulation Center (HSSC) Lab (2 all-gender restrooms)

  • Anatomy Lab

  • Public front entrance corridor

Peralta 2nd Floor:

  • Public front entrance corridor

  • DEI Suite

Peralta 3rd and 4th Floor:

  • Elevator Landings (office spaces; may be restricted to public and students)

Webster (employees only; student access restricted)

  • 3rd Floor (2 all-gender restrooms)

Students outside of Oakland campus

Safety & Security

Your safety is a paramount concern. Find safety and security contacts information, fire response and sexual assault protocols, and learn how to sign up for the SMU Alert in case of an emergency.

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Health Education Center Atrium

Building Access

We're happy to assist you with your University ID badge, key, and parking needs.

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San Francisco Peninsula Campus

Campus Hours

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